Volunteer Welcome Pack

Welcome to Phoenix FC
Welcome – Introduction to Phoenix FC
On behalf of Phoenix FC, I would like to welcome you and your child/children to our club.
Phoenix FC provides opportunities for local children to receive coaching by qualified UEFA/FAI coaches who are trained and have been screened for their suitability to work with young people.
We like to think of ourselves as an example of a giving club for children and their grown-ups in the community, and I strongly believe this is evidenced in the pathway we have built from 4 years of age right through to adult (senior) football for both boys and girls. We are giving them an opportunity to build upon their development socially through football. Giving children the opportunity to come together and have fun, to make new friends, be outdoors in all weathers, to be well cared for and kept safe by a team of committed, passionate people kindly giving their time voluntarily in their community.
We are run by a hard-working committee of people who are giving of their time freely, who are highly respected, knowledgeable and have a wealth of experience in their roles on the committee. We are committed to ensure children in our community have fun and enjoyment through grassroots football.
The club have already formed great partnerships, both within the local community (Bohemian FC) and further afield (Lincoln City). Over the coming years we hope to experience many successes and are always looking for partnerships to improve the quality of our club and create the best possible opportunities for our members.
In 2021 the club achieved the FAI’s Club Mark Entry Level Award. This is a great achievement for everyone involved within the club and should give you as a parent/volunteer/coach the comfort to know that the club is operating to the highest standards possible.
The executive committee and coaches of this club hope that your child finds great enjoyment when playing football for this club and that you as a parent/volunteer are proud to be part of our club.
Please see our social media outlets, Facebook Page (Phoenix FC), Twitter page (@phoenixFCDublin) and Instagram (@phoenixfc_dublin) for latest news and information.
Yours in sport
Kay McKenna (Director of Football)

Opportunities within Our Club
Opportunities within our Club
The club is always looking to encourage parents to be part of the club. Parent helpers are vital to the success of the club and there are many different roles that could potentially be available. Any parent wishing to become a parent helper/volunteer will be supported by the club’s executive committee.
Area’s parents help-out in are – fundraising, club clean up days, sponsorship, parent helpers with teams (non-coaching roles), host on match days etc. There may be other roles which you think your skills can help the club with. All ideas and help are welcome so please get it touch with one of the executive committee.

Volunteer Recruitment Policy and other important information
Volunteer Recruitment Policy
Application Form –All volunteers are asked to fill out a brief application form. This is to ensure all relevant information is collected.
Interview – All applicants must sit through an interview with at least 2 committee members
Reference – All applicants must provide 2 references that can be checked
Garda Vetting – In line with legislation and the FAI’s child welfare policy everyone working with children will require Garda Vetting before starting their role.
Training – Induction and training will be provided to all volunteer’s through-out their time with the club.
Fund Raising
The club is always keen to hear from people who have enthusiasm to drive fundraising projects or help-out with grant or loan applications. If you feel you have an appetite for such roles or have a particular skills-set, please feel free to get in touch. Your knowledge and input would be greatly appreciated.
Member Fines
If the club receives a fine or charge from any affiliating bodies or outside organisations as a result of the actions of a club member (including any person(s) representing that member), then that member will be held fully responsible and will be expected to cover any costs incurred. The member will be required to cover the total cost plus any administration fees.
Club Identity
The club have worked hard over several years to create a good club identity and brand which members can be proud of within and outside our community.
All club names and logos, including the crest are the property of the club. No documents should be created or used on behalf of the club without prior consent being given from the club executive committee.
Scribblestown – Our main training venue is called Scribblestown. Address: Phoenix Football Club, Dunsinea Lane, Dublin 15, D15 EDP2. We have a full-sized Astro pitch, 7 a side and 9 a side grass pitches and a twin 5 a side Astro pitch. There is a club house which has home and away dressing rooms, male and female toilets and a newly refurbished coffee shop.
Martin Savage Park –Our second training venue is called Martin Savage Park (MSP).Address: Phoenix FC, Glendhu Park, Navan Road, Dublin 7. D07WA26. Here we have 2 11 a side grass pitches and 1 7 a side grass pitch. There is a club house with 6 dressing rooms, male and female toilets and a meeting room.
All players are expected to attend 2 training sessions per week.
Matches Phoenix FC boys and girls teams compete in the DDSL league.
4–6-year-olds stay in the nursery and do not play matches.
U8s-U9s play twin 5 a side games.
U10-U11 play 7 a side games
U12 boys and U13 girls play 9 a side matches
U13 boys and U14 girls to senior level play 11 a side matches.
Games are played home and away. All games will also be posted up on notice board in the club house each week.
Club Registration
All players must register with Phoenix FC at the beginning of the season. There will be a Club Registration Day held in August.
The club registration form must be completed online via Clubforce.com which can be found on the club website. This form must be printed off and presented at the club registration day. All players must have a form of ID with date of birth on it, the club registration form from Clubforce and their DDSL registration form with them. On the day, the player and parents must sign the parent and player Codes of Conduct.
Club Membership Fees
Our club fees for the 2022/2023 season are as follows;
Standard players membership; €320
Family membership; 2 plus children (not inc. Little Nix) €500
Little Nix Academy €80 per term per child. Fee includes club kit of t-shirt, shorts and socks. (1 per child)
Football Kits; As stated above all players will receive a t-shirt, socks and shorts for training. Any additional gear needed can be bought on the O’Neills website under Phoenix FC.
Football boots, shin guards and other accessories must be supplied by parents/guardians and are not the responsibility of the club. Shin guards must be worn by all players in training and during matches.
Team kit is normally sponsored, and the player will receive jersey shorts and socks which must be worn on match days only.
Safeguarding and Reporting Concerns
At Phoenix FC we are dedicated to safeguarding everyone in our club but most importantly the players. We want all our children to have fun and play the game in a safe and enjoyable environment. To make sure this happens all our coaches, volunteers, executive committee and parent helpers have been garda vetted (which is renewed every 3 years) and have completed Safeguarding 1 Cert which is recertified every 3 years in compliance with Sport Ireland and FAI ClubMark accreditation.
Our Child protection officer is Paula Bridgeman (paulabridgeman@yahoo.ie, 0861605328). If you have any quires or if you need to report any concerns to Paulaplease feel free to contact her on the information above.
Our Designated Liaison Person is Brendan O’Hanlon (ohanlonb@yahoo.ie, 0873402061).
All our Safeguarding policies are on the club website and can be found on the wall in the club house.

Data Privacy Notice
At Phoenix FC we take your data privacy very seriously. Our Data Privacy Notice sets out how we use and look after the personal information we collect from you.
We collect your data when you enter your details at the time of registration. The only further information we collect is that of attendance and performance in older players. At the end of the season, we will delete/destroy your personal data.
During registration you would have consented to the use of photography/video. We use this for social media and for the benefit of our members during club events. If during any point you have reason to revoke this consent, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Also, during registration consent is given for medical treatment. If you do not wish to give consent for a coach to give medical first aid, please speak to a committee member before registration.