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Club Players Code of Conduct

The club expects all players to behave in accordance with the following guidelines and principles. This is not an exhaustive list, and the club reserves the right to deal with any matters brought to its attention which it believes to be contrary to the club’s ethos.

I will:

  • Train and play matches to the best of my ability.

  • Be willing to learn and improve.

  • Train and play matches in a sportsman like spirit,always ensuring fair play.

  • Respect my teammates, coaches, referees, opposition players/coaches and all volunteers.

  • Respect all facilities home and away and clean up after myself.

  • Wear my club gear anytime I am representing my club including training and matches.

  • Have my correct equipment (boots, shin guards and water bottle) at training and matches.

  • Be on time for training and matches.

  • Accept decisions made by my coaches

Bullying: Bullying in any form will not be tolerated. Whether on the playing field, in training or outside the club whether by verbal, physical or written acts (including comments or likes on social network sites) will not be tolerated.

Players who following a full, fair and impartial investigation by the club disciplinary committee are found to be guilty of bullying or any other form of unacceptable behaviour will be subject to the club’s disciplinary procedures which may include suspension from the club.


Fines; If a player incurs a fine during a game, the player is responsible for paying this fine. The player cannot train or play matches until the fine has been paid in full.


Social Media: Players must fully adhere to the club’s Social Media Policy. This means refraining from posting any non-club related comments. Under no circumstances should jokes, offensive comments, pictures or videos be posted on any club Whatsapp groups or social media platforms.


I (print name) _______________________________________ agree to be bound by the rules of the club and to comply fully with the code of conduct which I have read and understand.

Signed:______________________________________________Date: _______________________

Signed by Parent/Guardian: __________________________________________________________

Dunsinea Ln, Ashtown, Dublin, D15 EDP2, Ireland

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